A voice for the voicelessMy Honour is their shame

Books and podcasts

Explore Empowering Narratives:

Books and Podcasts on Forced Marriage, Honour-Based Abuse, and Resilience

Embark on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment through the captivating world of books and podcasts. Immerse yourself in the stories of survivors, delve into the depths of forced marriage and honour-based abuse in Jasvinder’s books, and discover the resilience of the human spirit through her podcasts. This curated selection of books and podcasts offers a profound understanding of these complex issues while providing inspiration and hope for a more just and equitable world

She tells her story with the pace and vivid turn of phrase of a true writer… SHAME is an inspiring book, not least because of its honesty.

Jasvinder Sanghera Talks
Shame - Book by Jasvinder Sanghera

My Books


When she was fourteen, Jasvinder Sanghera was shown a photo of the man chosen to be her husband. She was terrified. She’d witnessed the torment her sisters endured in their arranged marriages, so she ran away from home, grief-stricken when her parents disowned her. SHAME is the heart-rending true story of a young girl’s attempt to escape from a cruel, claustrophobic world where family honour mattered more than anything – sometimes more than life itself.

Daughters of Shame

Jasvinder is now at the frontline of the battle to save women from the honour-based violence and threat of forced marriage that destroyed her own youth. DAUGHTERS OF SHAME reveals the stories of young women kidnapped and taken to Pakistan to marry a man she had never met and Banaz, murdered by her own family after escaping an abusive marriage. By turns frightening, enthralling and uplifting.

Shame Travels

When she was a little girl, Jasvinder Sanghera’s father told her about the village he came from in rural Punjab. He promised to take her there but at the age of sixteen, Jasvinder ran away from home to escape a forced marriage. With her daughter about to marry, Jasvinder decides to challenge thirty years of rejection by going to India to explore her roots. SHAME TRAVELS is not only a gripping and revealing quest, but also an inspirational journey of the heart.


Turning Point

I am thrilled to announce the upcoming release of my new podcast in April. With over 30 years of experience, I have had the privilege of connecting with some of the most vulnerable and resilient individuals. It has been my mission to break the silences surrounding their experiences. These podcasts offer a unique opportunity for you to hear their incredible courage and resilience, as they explore how they were able to navigate the challenges of living day by day and staying present. You will hear from survivors from diverse backgrounds who selflessly share how they continue to live their lives without being haunted by the past. From a former England international footballer bravely speaking out about sexual abuse, to someone wrongly imprisoned who found forgiveness and friendship even with a former captor, a Grenfell Fire Fighter who experienced the horrific fire at Grenfell Park, a survivor of familial abuse who shares her experiences for the first time, and a courageous woman whose life was plagued by addiction and losing her children to the Care System – all of these stories will serve as inspiration for survival in everyday life after devastating experiences. The podcast will focus on what it takes to adapt and change after reaching a turning point in recognising the need for change. It will delve into how these individuals developed life strategies, allowing them to not dwell in the past. Prepare to be touched and educated, as each one shares their wisdom and strength gained from the darkest moments of their lives.

Turning Point Episode 1: Paul

Paul Stewart is a former international and premiership footballer who’s career spanned 22 years, in 2016 Paul went public regarding the physical and sexual abuse he endured as a boy at the hands of his youth coach which lasted for a four year period. Since 2016 Paul has been delivering safeguarding awareness sessions to Premiership and football league clubs these sessions are delivered to Scholars,coaches, parents and club officials including owners and directors. Paul was recently awarded a doctorate from University of Salford for his outstanding contribution to safeguarding.

Turning Point Episode 2: Steph

Steph is a mother, artist and a proud Scouser. She is also a survivor of child sexual abuse, who was abused by her uncle from her memory 2 years old, until the age of 12. Her courage in speaking out led to a conviction but the journey of rebuilding her life and trusting others continues. She shared her experiences for the first time via a blog entitled ‘Survivor’. This Podcast is her first interview, and she shares because of how important speaking up has been for her recovery. Steph’s shares honestly how she deals with the aftermath as someone that has moved from not wanting to live to now reclaiming her life back. She shares the importance of learning how to self-care, so not to be pulled back into past thoughts. Listen to how her artwork has become core to her recovery and a place where nothing else can enter. Steph’s experiences speak to the power of taking control to rebuilding trust with self and others.

Turning Point Episode 3: Babar Ahmad

From the battlefields in Bosnia and Chechnya to death row in a US Supermax prison, Babar Ahmad has seen some interesting things in his life. Babar grew up in south London then went to Bosnia as an 18-year-old. He went as an aid worker but ended up joining the Bosnian Army to defend the Bosnian Muslims. Then 9/11 happened and the world changed. What Babar did in Bosnia was now seen as terrorism and the US government wanted him. In 2003 Metropolitan Police officers raided his south London home and over the next 40 minutes subjected him to a horrific ordeal of physical, verbal, religious and sexual abuse. Babar then spent the next 8 years in prison without charge fighting extradition to the US. In 2012 he was blindfolded, shackled and bundled onto a private jet to the US. After two years in isolation in a Supermax prison next to death row inmates and gang-members, Babar was offered a deal by US prosecutors. Plead guilty and you will be home within the year. Babar accepted the deal and when he appeared before the sentencing judge in a US court, she ruled that he was not a terrorist. 12 months later, in 2015, Babar was released from a US prison and returned to his home in London, where he now lives. He shares insights from war, prison and torture.

Turning Point Episode 4: Ricky Nuttall

Ricky Nuttall is an award nominated screenwriter and published poet. After a traumatic childhood he joined the London Fire Brigade, where he served for 18 years. On the 14th June 2017, he worked alongside countless emergency service colleagues at the Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people. This day changed his life leading to several experiences and decisions, including beginning to spiral downwards into depression, PTSD, drug and alcohol misuse. 5 years later, he is a mental health advocate and public speaker aiming to bring to public attention awareness on the importance of social and workplace mental health and well-being. Ricky is now a public speaker taking him to a range of audiences including government bodies, CAA, emergency services and HM Prisons, to billion-pound corporate companies as well as local schools. He has appeared on multiple podcasts around the world, SAS Who Dares Wins, BBC Breakfast, This Morning, Man Utd TV and various national and local radio stations. Ricky went viral on a podcast recording which amassed over 250 million views worldwide. He is celebrated as an exciting and intellectual speaker with a unique insight and brutality that strikes intrigue and self-reflection to anyone listening.

Aria Code Episode 3

Listen to Jasvinder synthesising her escape from her forced marriage through the stunning aria ‘Una voce poco fa’, from Rossini’s opera The Barber of Seville.


Listen to Jasvinder on BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs

Jasvinder joined Kirsty Young to talk about her life and work on BBC Radio 4 in March 2013.

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